The Game of Fan Tan
If you have ever been to a casino, then you have likely either heard or seen of the game of Fan Tan. It's also referred to as Tan Bikini Poker or Tan Tumbler Poker and is played in many casinos around the world. The rules of the game of Fan Tan are pretty easy to comprehend, although there are a few terms used that may not be familiar to a lot of people. If you are looking for a excellent casino poker game with a fun, exotic taste, then this may be a game for you to try.
The source of Fan Tan can trace its roots back to Thailand or more specifically, to Bangkok. In colonial times, gaming was fairly widespread in the city and many of the native people (known as Thai) learned the craft of card games from their elders. 1 specific card game they learned was Fan Tan, which translates into'The Fan.' This specific gambling game was popular all over the city and soon it had been gaining in popularity amongst the masses. As a result of this, gambling began to be legalized in Bangkok, and the Fan Tan card game quickly took off.
There are numerous variations to the game of Fan Tan, and each variation has its own distinctive set of rules. In the first times, the lowest hand was called the Tan Ja. A Tan Ja is thought of as any hand with the least cards, including Ace, King, Queen and Jack. Players would then use the Ace and King of the table to try and steal the hand of the other players, also referred to as the Fan Ja. If they had been successful, the player would get the low hand, and the one who had the higher hand would end up getting eliminated.
There are many stories surrounding the origin of Fan Tan, but there's one that's well-known and that is that of the origin of the name itself. At one point, during the early days of the city, the locals would place small bets on a Thais boxing game, in an attempt to determine who could best beat another from the match. After a few rounds of fighting, a rumour began to circulate that if the fighters were to stay in the ring for three rounds, the winner would find the low hand. The boxer who was able to keep in the ring that the longest would find the low hand.
When the games started, they would use the'power' cards, or the strongest cards they had. However, it wasn't long until the other members of the'faction' began utilizing the strength cards as well, since they knew that one needed to. The'faction' would then eliminate one member of the'faction,' and then the new guy would normally have to fight the one who was left, or whoever was poorer. The'last man standing' would get the cards that everybody else wanted, since they were the strongest and most experienced. This explains why there are so many of these cards today, along with the'royals,' and the game cards with the famous'jackpot' logo on them.
The game is now known as a fun, exciting way to entertain friends and relatives of all ages. They are often seen being played at birthday parties and other events that are held indoors. In fact, being able to see people playing the sport in such a relaxed and natural setting is such a stark contrast to the typically uptight and dramatic surroundings one finds in a casino or a racetrack. Many also love to show off their distinctive card collection to friends and family members, showing off their'real life' collection to everyone who visits them.
Some may argue that there's little'ability' involved in Fan Tan, but the opposite is true. Card games like Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, Slots, as well as Chutes and Ladders are typically played for gambling reasons, as a form of comfort, excitement, and entertainment. But when someone takes an interest in actually winning the game, then it becomes an opportunity to learn about the game in general. People learn about how to read cards, bet according to chance, and try different betting strategies to obtain the cards that will give them the greatest likelihood of winning. They also learn how to create their own strategies for beating their opponents.
One of the funniest things about Fann Tan is that nearly anyone can play it. It does not matter your age, weight, height, physical fitness, or whether you are balding or wearing a toupee. It is a game that needs no special skills, and anyone can play. This means that there is no reason why you cannot have a fun, relaxing time with your friends and family at home during the holidays, on weekends, after work, or any time you feel like getting away from it all and having a little bit of pleasure.